Let's talk about Vaping...
We know the dangers of smoking – the information on the dangers of smoking has been in the community for so long. But little is known about the dangers of vaping.
Symptoms of vaping look similar to smoking:
Shortness of breath.
Chest pain
Fever and chills
Rapid heartbeat
Rapid and shallow breathing
It can take decades for the dangers of smoking to be felt in the body. However, specialists are now seeing just as serious damage caused by vaping in just a couple of years.
Here is what we do know:
There are over 7000 chemicals inhaled into the lungs during vaping. The additives and chemicals in vape 'juice' are highly unregulated and often contains Diacetyl (which causes holes in the lungs), Formaldehyde, Acrolein (weed killer), and Benzene.
Vaping is seen as a 'healthy' alternative to Smoking - its not...
This concoction of harmful chemicals into this oily liquid which sticks to the lungs is part of the reason why vaping is so dangerous. The other reason why vaping related lung disease is so commonly seen and has such rapid onset is because the ‘juice’ is highly acidic.
It is this acidy juice which literally ‘eats’ into the lungs.
It is now known that daily ingestion of Diacetyl causes a disease called Bronchiolitis Obliterans (BO) or “popcorn lungs” which is an inflammatory disease making breathing difficult and permanent scarring which can lead to lung cancer.
There is no treatment for Bronchiolitis Obliterans. It causes permanent damage to the lungs and feels like coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest pain.
It gets worse….
In addition to this vaping causes Pneumonia, Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax (Collapsed Lung), holes in the lung and lung ruptures.
This concoction of harmful chemicals into this oily liquid which sticks to the lungs is part of the reason why vaping is so dangerous. The other reason why vaping related lung disease is so commonly seen and has such rapid onset is because the ‘juice’ is highly acidic.
It is this acidy juice which literally ‘eats’ into the lungs.
Specialists are now seeing patients with vaping related lung disease in as little as 3 years after starting vaping. Teenagers are dying of vaping. There is no cure.
Ask yourself:….
is it worth it?
There is a simple,
easy treatment to let go of the habit.
A specialised Rest Easy Hypnotherapy treatment plan can help you to kick the habit and be free once and for all. Easily.
A tailored Rest Easy Hypnotherapy treatment program is so effective in getting people to quit the habit and be vape free for life.
A tailored Hypnotherapy and NLP treatment program, in combination with tools & techniques to practice in daily life, are effective in creating the change so you can let go of the habit once and for all and have the healthy future you’ve wanted.
Many people try so many different methods to quit that aren’t effective. You’ve probably wanted to be free for a long time and tried one method or another but found yourself going back….
A tailored Hypnotherapy and NLP treatment program actions the powerful unconscious mind to do all the hard work and create lasting change.
You’ve probably heard that it takes 21 days to create a new habit, and it’s true
The mind requires 21 days to adjust to this new way of thinking, and this is where hypnotherapy is so powerful and effective, because over the course of the first three hypnotherapy and NLP treatment sessions you will gain an understanding into the habit, so you will be ready to let go once and for all.
Through years of research and working as a quit smoking and vaping specialist, I have formulated a Vape Free package which is designed specifically for you to have the success with ease.
The full Rest Easy Hypnotherapy Vape Free package is:
Up to four tailored Hypnotherapy treatment sessions that will give you the results you are looking for, that will have you quit and stay quit for life
Resource manuals and take home information
Mindfulness techniques to utilise and practice in life,
Vape Free audios and Relaxation audios to listen to, to keep focussed on achieving goals
Certificate on completion
In combination with the hypnosis component, this really is the winning combination to be free once and for all – not just for as long as you can hold out.
This simple program will change your life!
“Vape free a whole year! Thank god I did this. Thanks Cara”
Cooper, Geelong
More testimonials from happy non-vapers who are living the success and freedom on Testimonials page.